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You'll never go back to ordinary salads again! Microgreens and sprouts come packed with flavor. The reason why is because of their nutrient content. Microgreens have from 4 to 40 times more healthy nutrients than the full grown plants.  Think of it as all of the nutrients (and flavor!) of the vegetable concentrated into a teeny tiny microgreen.



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Best Nutrition for the Body 


Microgreens have a multitude of health benefits.  Studies found that microgreens contain a high concentration of vitamins, nutrients and polyphenols, which are micronutrients that help your body to detox and reduce free radicals. This can help reduce inflammation, obesity, cholesterol & triglycerides, and reduce the risks of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes.  In other words, microgreens are a powerhouse for your body. See the links below to read more.


"Tiny Microgreens Packed with Nutrients by Jennifer Warner"


Xiao, Z, Lester, G.E., Luo, Y., & Wang, Q. (2012). Assessment of Vitamin and Carotenoid Concentrations of Emerging Food Products: Edible Microgreens. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60(31) 7644-7651




The fun part with microgreens is all the creative ways you can use them. You can add them to your soups as a garnish. Put them in any sandwich you choose and trust me it will have more flavor then an ordinary piece of lettuce! My daughter loves to put them in her smoothies. And of course you can use them in any salad. They are so good and with so many different flavors you don't even need lettuce if you so choose. Microgreens bring a splash of color, flavor and nutrients to any entrée.

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